AviMax Forte Coxi Cure50ML
Any species of bird can be susceptible to the coccidian parasite, which can be found worldwide. Most species of coccidia have a direct life cycle. Non-infective oocysts, or eggs, are passed in the feces of infected birds into the environment. Here, they develop into an infective form, or a sporulated oocyst. A healthy bird can ingest this form from contaminated feed or water. The infective oocysts then invade the intestines of the bird, where they undergo several more stages of development until they become sexually mature parasites. These parasites then lay eggs, which are passed out with the feces. This life cycle is generally completed in a span of 1 to 2 weeks.
Coccidiosis, also referred to as intestinal coccidiosis or coccidiasis, is caused by the protozoan parasite in the Eimeriidae family. While poultry, game birds, pigeons, and doves are most commonly affected, coccidia eggs are found in parrots, canaries, finches, lories, and budgerigars. This parasite usually invades part or all of the intestinal tract in birds, but has been found in other organs, such as the kidneys and liver.